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maximum freedom!

The fuel cell – the dot on the i for maximum freedom!

Erich H.

The EFOY fuel cell is just right for my needs. As a licensed amateur radio operator, I often take the camper up hills away from any infrastructure. I just need electricity. My biggest power guzzlers are the capsule espresso machine, the television equipment and the radios. In the past, I always had to think about whether I would be able to watch some television now or whether I could still send some radio messages at night. After two radio-intensive nights, a fine espresso was no longer possible in the morning, that’s for sure. The coffee machine requires 1200 W. In the back of my mind there was always the latent fear that the electrical system would collapse. Then nothing works, not even the Truma heater.

“Since the fuel cell was installed, these problems and fears are all gone!”

I feel totally independent.

Erich H.

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